Bathroom remodel Warrington Rd Shaker Hts This very small 2nd floor bathroom needed an update and more room. The owners could not fit into the bathroom at the same time. Our solution was to take 2 ft out of the adjacent bedroom/office and add it into the bathroom. This gave them more room to move around and have a vanity…
Shaker Heights Bathroom When the half bathroom was originally discussed, they wanted to update the 50’s dark and outdated bathroom into a New York style marble bathroom the homeowners experienced on their trip to New York. They wanted to replicate the elegant marble rooms so common back in the 1920’s New York construction they fell in love with. To replicate…
Kirtland- Whole House Remodel We have worked with these clients 10 years on various projects; they owned ahome in Shaker Heights for 25 years and we remodeled the entire house over theyears. They decided that they wanted to retire, downsize, and move to the country.They contacted us after they found this house in Kirtland, to which they fell in lovewith…
When we first met with the customers, they wanted to turn their “dungeon” of their bathroom into a higher end space that could win awards for its transformation and be able to show their family and friends how functional of a room it could become, while with a bit of bragging in there. When we first started renovating the bathroom,…
This master bathroom has all the custom features, including a remote controlled shower.
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